Thursday, December 31, 2009

Is it just me, or...

Hello everyone! Wendy here, wishing you all a Happy New Year! Or as Taylor says "Prospero Ano Nuevo!"

Anyways, by now you've all certainly pics of Lanie. She's pretty cute, I think, but there's something that seems a little off... like, perhaps her hair. Is it just me, or does her wig almost look like it's not properly attached? I dunno... not looking to spread negativity or anything but that's just weird...

Hope to talk to you all soon!
Love, Wendy

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Awesomeness of Ashley

Hi everyone! It's me again, Wendy, here to introduce you to my new friend Ashley.

Ashley is a Just Like You #26, which means she has Addy's face mold, gorgeous curly dark brown hair and this totally unique amber eye color. Her full name is Ashley Noel Beaumont and she was born on Christmas day, 1998. She just turned 11 and goes to my school. What's interesting about her is that she's really smart and was able to skip first grade, so even though her birthday is after the deadline she's in 6th grade. She and Taylor are in the same dance class and they're practically best friends. Ashley is really fun... she loves to watch silly movies and sing and dance along with the radio. And unlike some of my friends, she doesn't mind watching Superman or playing video games. And another neat thing about her is that her family does a lot of travelling so she has cool stories about exotic places. She's a little shy to talk about her travels at first, but once she gets going, she's so excited and animated that you feel like you're on the trip with her! We're still getting to know one another, but I like her a lot already. I'm thinking about asking her to post a guest blog post some time... she says having a blog sounds really fun. =)

Well, that's all for now. Hope to talk to you all again very soon!

Until next time,

Wendy M. Stein, D.D.B. (Dedicated Dolly Blogger)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Antique Store Finds

Hi everyone! Wendy here. Something super cool happened yesterday! Bre went to a couple of antique stores with her mom and came home with doll furniture!

The first store was kind of a motherlode. She found Samantha's desk for like $20! And it's authentic. Samantha is super excited. She also found this really pretty doll crib for Noah. I like that a lot. The store also had two doll sized wicker loveseats but Bre wasn't able to get one.

Here are some pics:

All of us dolls are hoping Bre goes back again soon. =)

Love, Wendy

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Story of Bre's Dolls

Hello again people! This is Wendy... coming to you on this lovely after-holiday morning with a scheduled post. :D Today I thought that I might write a little something about each of us dolls here... something new, just for fun. =)

Addy - The first doll. Bre got her for Christmas when she was 10 -- in 1998 (wow, the year I was born!) Addy is really nice and smart... she helps us all with spelling and she's teaching me to sew.

Nicki - The second girl. Bre bought her in 2007 direct from AG. What she loved about Nicki was that she loves animals. What I love about Nicki is that she's always up for anything and is so fun.

Samantha - Bre's 20th birthday present. Samantha is really adventurous but still such a lady. She's always trying to have teas or play world explorers.

Nellie - Bre bought Nellie at AGPLA after AG announced that she and Sam were being archived. Nellie is very quiet and thoughtful... she never causes trouble.

Wendy - That's me! Be got me last year on ebay after she decided that she wanted a pre-Mattel #12. I showed up soon... it was kinda like destiny.

Quinn - Quinn is formerly a Mia doll and Bre got her for Christmas last year. She's my best friend, and she's amazing! She's sweet and cool... even though we're really different we always have fun together.

Molly - Bre got her on ebay early this year. She had a hard time fitting in for a while, but now everything is nearly perfect. She always has great ideas and is very outspoken. She doesn't like Kirsten very much though, and I think she's a little mean to her...

Taylor - Taylor is a #25 and was purchased from one of Bre's fellow message board members, and she's been here since this past spring. We didn't used to get along too well, but we're really good friends now! She's one of the most generous and caring people I know.

Noah - Noah is a bitty baby who Wendy got on eBay for like $12. She's a really early bitty too, so she has white eye lashes! She's a really quiet baby and she loves to play with blocks and her teddy bear.

Ivy - Ivy was Bre's 21st birthday present this past August. Ivy is so cool! She has the best stories and always gives me cool music suggestions.

Kirsten - Kirsten joined our family this October. Bre had been wanting her for a long while, so when AG announced the archival, she decided she'd better get her soon. Kirsten is really sweet... she likes to take care of Noah and influence Bre to keep cheese in the house at all times. She and Addy are the best of friends since they live so close to one another in time.

Ashley - Ashley is a #26 and the newest doll here... Bre's Christmas present yesterday. She seems nice so far, and she's in Taylor's ballet class. Her full name is Ashley Noel Beaumont... isn't that neat?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

My first visit to AG Place!

Firstly, hello again, everyone! Wendy here, and I sure have missed you all! Can you believe we still don't have internet at home? Thank goodness we have friends who let us borrow their's. :)

Secondly, I'm out of school for break. Yay! And guess what! Bre has officially finished college! Her graduation isn't until June though, and she's transferring from her junior college to a university, but still. :p

Thirdly, December 9th was my birthday and now I'm 11! And Bre made me official guardian of Coconut, so now I have a dog!!!

Fourthly, Merry Christmas to all my Christmas c
elebrating friends!

And lastly, but most importantly, yesterday I went to American Girl Place! It was wonderful. :) For Christmas, Bre's mommy bought her a new dolly! But we aren't technically allowed to play with her until tomorrow. But her name is Ashley and she's really pretty! She seemed super excited to leave the store. Hopefully I'll get to tell you more about her soon... once we meet that is. :)

AGPLA album is here.

Until next time,
Wendy (Angela Moira Darling) Stein